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Our Process

Every company and situation we encounter has a unique set of circumstances.  Therefore, every solution we recommend must be custom crafted to fit perfectly.   Our experienced consultants meet with the principals to identify their goals, objectives, dreams and aspirations for the company. 


At times we function in a CFO advisory capacity.  In other situations there is a specific problem or task at hand.  In either case, we identify the driving and limiting forces impacting the business. We evaluate and quantify the underlying assumptions and resources required to reach the stated objectives.


From the simple 15 second “elevator pitch” to strategy evaluation, feasibility studies, marketing plans, or full-blown business plans we, have the expertise and objectivity to effectively tell your story to internal or external audiences.


The Mariner Group is tactile.  We see projects though implementation for as long as necessary to achieve the desired outcome.

The Power of Threes


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